Le Gourmet Culinary
541 W. Chapman Ave, Suite A, Orange, CA, 92868

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class image Date Night Tuscany Respondents: 2
Score: 5.00

Stacy Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Very Entertaining
The atmosphere was
5 - Cheerful
The skills you learned were
5 - Very Useful
I enjoyed myself and had fun
5 - Lot's of fun
How can we improve your experience for your next visit
Nothing. Such a great night!
Additional comments and observations
the teacher makes all the difference. 2 out of 3 classes I have taken here have been great because the teachers were enthusiastic!
What kind(s) of classes would you like to see on the calendar?
I loved Tuscany. I'd love to see Tuscany II or something. Also a dessert night would be cool.
How did you hear about us?

Traci Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Very Entertaining
The atmosphere was
5 - Cheerful
The skills you learned were
5 - Very Useful
I enjoyed myself and had fun
5 - Lot's of fun
What kind(s) of classes would you like to see on the calendar?
Pizza on the grill, kid friendly meals...
How did you hear about us?